
Colony Collapse Disorder; or Oh Shit, All the Bees Disappeared

Colony Collapse Disorder is a terrifying name for an interesting phenomenon. Over the last few decades, honeybees have been disappearing at an alarming rate. Not dying, disappearing.

As of Spring 2008, nearly a third of commercial bee colonies have disappeared. They fly somewhere and never return.

Another important third fraction: these bees are responsible for pollinating over a third of the United States food crop species. In 2000, the total US crop value that was entirely dependent on honeybee pollination was estimated to be $15 billion. Oh no!

This is also the reason your mother has been telling you about the recent honey shortage. If your mother hasn't told you about it, then perhaps your young, hip friends that are really into food and restaurants have told you. My mother also tells me honey is good for hangovers. Especially in strawberry juice. My mother is never wrong.

Anyways, who knows where all these bees are going. My hypothesis? China North Korea.

Terrifying, isn't it.

The Cliff Notes:
  • Bees are disappearing, billions of them
  • No one knows to where or why
  • Bees are important for crop pollination and honey
  • Mom is always right


ZENY said...

I don't think the bees are in China, because somebody told me that a town in China that's famous for their pears had to recently hand pollenate because of the lack of bees.

Jason Ishikawa said...

Better stock up on royal jelly!

Food for thought, literally (sometimes) said...

this is bad. i can't bake. i can't spoon honey in my mouth. this is actually the first i've heard of it. more unnecessary and random information from alee.

Jason Ishikawa said...

Did you see THE HAPPENING? Because this tangentially relates to the movie. But not really. You should see it though.